Botanical Garden ( Kebun Raya Bogor ) is located in heart of Bogor city with total area around 17 hectare (put on your sneaker, fellow). People who are interested in botany and plants will be fascinated with its collection. Giant trees, trees from hundred years old and collection plants worldwide are among its attraction.
For non-botany lover, there are still lot of things to see. I love the giant water lily floating on the pool, sipping coffee in Dedaunan coffee, overlooking the green, Don’t forget to visit Amorphophallus titanium, a giant flower release rotten smell when it blooms. I also recommend to visit orchid house and bird island. If you come before six in the morning, you will see the swamp birds flying from the island. And I am sure, you will like Canary street. It’s like an isle with giant canary trees in your left and right hand side.
It’s a nice place to walk around or fall to sleep.
For non-botany lover, there are still lot of things to see. I love the giant water lily floating on the pool, sipping coffee in Dedaunan coffee, overlooking the green, Don’t forget to visit Amorphophallus titanium, a giant flower release rotten smell when it blooms. I also recommend to visit orchid house and bird island. If you come before six in the morning, you will see the swamp birds flying from the island. And I am sure, you will like Canary street. It’s like an isle with giant canary trees in your left and right hand side.
It’s a nice place to walk around or fall to sleep.